Tax Tips
Did You Remember to File ALL Your Tax Forms?
Are You Filing ALL the Tax Forms You Need To? As many individuals and businesses prepare to file their 2017 income tax returns, the question many people forget to ask is “what am I missing?” Now when many people hear that question in the context of taxes, they think what deductions or credits am I missing. Although this is indeed a great question, and one your CPA should be asking you all year long, this is not the only things that we need to worry about missing in today’s tax world. As the IRS and many state governments continue to
Changing Business Structure After Tax Reform
What Type of Entity Should My Company Be? That question has always been one on the minds of all business owners in order to not only best meet regulatory needs but also to take advantage of the tax code. With the Tax Reform now behind us and regulations to understand those changes in the works at the IRS, we once again have to reevaluate those decisions from a tax standpoint. The new law gives many businesses some new tax breaks and benefits, and makes some sweeping changes to the tax rates for both businesses and individuals. However, the underlying rules
Now is the Time for Tax Actions!
As year-end rapidly approaches, we at RPB always find this time to be a great time to look for tax planning opportunities. With the largest tax code changes in 30 years in the final debate stages and slated to take effect for 2018, this year may present some “once in a lifetime” tax savings for many people. With the pending changes varying from elimination of state income taxes, elimination of personal exemptions, elimination of DPAD, revisions to education deductions and credits, elimination of moving expenses, elimination of alimony deductions, revisions in mortgage limitations, increases in expensing limits, to flat out revisions in